Wednesday, 4 December 2019 • 02:05 • 0 Comment(s) Assalamualaikum and Hi guys.. If you notice the title, yes, this is the last blog post for this class. How fast time flies, we actually at the end of the semester already. Yes, we are so busy at the moment with the last assignments presentation, thesis writing, preparation for our fyp project seminar, viva and so on. But task must go on. Tenth blog post it is! We also finished our class with Dr Fareed last Tuesday. It was so sad and excited at the same time. The sad part is that we are actually finished with all of our 7 semesters, only left with the internship. The excited part is of course, finally we are going to graduate. I can't believe how my 4 years Bachelors studies went by so fast. Not denying the struggles, ups and downs, definitely felt all that. But as the time passed by, all the pains also washed away just like that. (can't believe I'm getting emotional while typing this blog post) Forget the emotional part, let's start with our main agenda for today. Okay if you still remember on last blog post I mentioned that for this lab session, we are going to do a live streaming for the Product Innovation Day for the Food Service students. If you guys are wondering what is that Product Innovation Day actually is, you may click this link to view the live streaming: It's hard to finally say goodbye. What a journey. I'll see you when I see you.. Bye guys. :') Love, Ilia Natasya |