Ilia Natasya
Saturday 16 November 2019 • 00:17 • 0 Comment(s)

Assalamualaikum and hye again..

After we decided to choose Moknab Nasi Kukus Daun Pisang as our website project's client on 16th October 2019, we started contacting them and guess what?


We definitely witnessed our fellow classmates from other groups being rejected by their shortlisted companies, having difficulties here and there, the companies aren't interested and so on. But, Alhamdulillah our jobs were simplified, within one try, the company agreed.

So without hesitation, we set an appointment with the owner to actually brief to him what was this website project about, our objectives, what are we going to do, what do we want them to do, and what are the benefits that they will gain from this website project.

After that, we started with our first draft for the website. We totally worked our sweats out to create and edit the website. It was definitely exhausting as it was so hard to actually edited every single-tiny-little things on the website starting from the simplest thing as the font colour, font sizes to the complicated one such as the animated pictures and pop up link address.

We presented our first website draft to the owner of the company and he actually liked it. I must say that he is the most easy person to deal with as he obviously not a nit-picker. He just follow the flow and just leave it to us. Even if we asked for his own personal ideas on what he wanted to be put in that website, he just simply said "I don't really know about such things, to me what you did is already beautiful and I like it"

We were so relieved when the owner said that to us. So we just interviewed him a few questions to be presented on the website. We continued with the editing as we need to present the complete website on the upcoming week in front of Dr. Fareed, the company owner and fellow classmates.

It was so nerve-wrecking !

Ilia Natasya

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Template By: Kawaii Lady
Full Edited By: Ilia
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