Wednesday, 4 December 2019 • 01:52 • 0 Comment(s) Assalamualaikum and Hi.. So, for this lab session, there are a lot of things that we did. Firstly, about the website peer-evaluation. We did a google form for the rest of our classmates to evaluate our website. For example, does it looks good, does it functions well and so on. We posted the link of the google form at the FoodIS_UPM group in Facebook so that everybody can access to it easily. For this session, we learnt on how to create a google form, how to edit it, how to put pictures, and many more until we can actually create our own google form.
So here is ours.
Then, we proceeded to the next lesson which is This is also a new thing for me because I never heard of it before. Actually I did but not the same doodle. It's doodle but totally different meaning. My doodle is the cartoon drawing art something like that, but this Doodle is a website where you can register for free and use it as your daily planner or to set your meeting easily.
This is it!
So I think that's pretty much it for this lab session.. For the next lab session we have a Product Innovation Day for the Food Service students. Dr Fareed asked us to attend that event and do a live streaming on Facebook for the assigned groups and task.
Stay tuned!
Ilia Natasya
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